Monday, September 5, 2011

One very happy moment!

I got a phone call from my daughter this morning that just made my day! Aiden, my sweet little grandson, recognized my face in a photograph, pointed, and said "Mimi", not just once, but three times! There's nothing quite like the reassurance of knowing that he hasn't forgotten who I am, even though almost 500 miles separate us and our visits are always way too short.

I am definitely going to look into getting cameras for our computers so that we can use Skype!

My how time flies!

It's hard to believe that my last post was almost a month ago! With the rush of getting ready to start a new school year it seems like I just haven't had much "me time". Labor Day weekend is coming to a close, but I have to say it's been a productive three days.

It hasn't been all work and no play even though it is the beginning of a new school year for me. The pool at the Y has been closed for maintenance, so no water aerobics for the past two weeks, but I have managed to stay quite busy.

For the past three weekends, I've been reorganizing my art supplies in the hope of making my little mini-studio a workable one. Now the closet shelves and storage bins are organized, a few new supplies have been added, and I'm ready to get started. Actually, "started" isn't quite accurate. What I'm really ready to do is get "finished" with all those half-completed projects that have been quietly waiting in the dark under the bed.

Would love some tips from other busy women on how to balance family, career, and a hobby!