Monday, December 16, 2013

Snow Days bring Christmas joy!

Of course, too many snow days could mean going to school longer at the end of the year, but for now, I'm taking my December blessings as they come! This week I'm scrambling with my second graders to get their clay Christmas ornaments decorated and ready to take home, so I have to admit that I didn't mind sloshing my way to school in the unexpected (at least to me!) snow early this morning.
Freshly falling snow is so peaceful, especially early in the morning or later in the evening. With the Christmas lights glowing softly and the hush that comes when traffic is stilled, there is a beauty that we often miss in the rush to complete our Christmas shopping, baking, house cleaning, and other holiday chores.

A snowy day, whether during the week or on the weekend, gives us time to slow down and savor the moment if we will let it. It's so easy to worry about chores not done, lessons not taught, or errands not run, but those things will still be waiting for us when the flakes stop falling and the roads are cleared.

So wherever you are and whatever your weather, as we get closer to that magical time of Christmas, take time to breathe in the quiet joy of the season. Let peace, joy, and quiet expectation replace the hustle and bustle, if only for a moment.

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