Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hints of Spring?

Yesterday the temperatures hit the high fifties and I hit the neighborhood sidewalks for a long-anticipated walk in the warmth of the late February sunshine. Wonder of wonders, I even had to discard my hoodie and tie it around my waist...a long-sleeved tee shirt was almost more than I needed in the mid-afternoon. I knew that the next day the temperatures were due to drop and the snow flurries resume, but for a few glorious hours I was able to face the sun and bask in its glow.
When I retuned home, I got my trusty camera and went back into the yard to photograph a few clear signs that winter is on the way out.
The last pile of dirty snow in a shaded spot by the deck

The green shoots of an early spring iris

Little buds of sedum bravely peeking out from the dried leaves

The first buds on the lilac bush

Little white blossoms by the garden barn...early birds!
Of course, not all the signs of spring are so beautiful...
Trash along the ditch...visible now that the snow has melted

Driveway potholes

Hundreds of little "land mines" from the sweet gum tree
Back inside, a few more hopeful signs of spring days to come...
My shamrock plant reaching for the sunlight

Furnace set to "off"...a few more dollars in my bank account!

An open screen door to the deck....but don't tell my husband!
All in all, it was a very good afternoon with the promise of more to come.

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