Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mission accomplished!

With my Janury 12 post, I set a goal to send my grandson, Aiden, a little piece of snail mail every month. Today, I'm proud to say "mission accomplished", at least for the month of January! It actually started with a thorough desk cleaning in my rather messy art classroom at school. I discovered a box of those random, unsolicited "gifts" sent from charitable organizations in the hopes of getting a donation to their cause in return. As luck would have it, I found 12 cards that each had different animals on the front and a blank space inside for a personal message.
I decided to start with the African Elephant. For some reason, Aiden has been fascinated by this animal ever since his first visit to the zoo last April. Lions and owls and dogs are interesting, and he loves checking out all the animals on the 3D Zoo for Toddlers iPad app, but it's those elephants that he goes back to time and again.
Aiden's other fascination is with trains, presently Thomas the Tank Engine and all his little "friends" on Sodor. After my Christmas visit, I had the words to "He's a Really Useful Engine" dancing in my head for several days after my return home, so of course I included a set of stickers that will let Aiden build a little train...hopefully somewhere that mommy says is ok for the home decor!
The other day, Tara told me that Aiden loved getting his own mail, so I'm happy to say that it's "mission accomplished", at least for January!

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