Saturday, January 12, 2013

You've Got Mail!

Remember that movie with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks? One of my all time favorites! The mail in that movie was email via AOL, which by today's tech standards seems almost antiquated. Now, we attempt to keep in touch with texts, tweets, blogs, and Facebook posts...all well and good, but somehow not all that personal.
What about good, old-fashioned snail mail? Remember that? One took out a nice pen and some pretty stationery, took the time to write out the words, folded the stationery and put it in a matching envelope, added a stamp, and took it to the post office...or placed it in the mailbox and pushed up the little red flag that let the mailman know there was something to pick up. 
Quaint, right? Now, all I find in my mailbox by the road is usually junk mail advertising a local real estate firm, law firm, or politician running for office. Even bills no longer arrive by post; I find those in my email, or at least a reminder to go to the website to pay up by the due date. The past few years, even Christmas cards, the last hold out of the pen and paper era, are on the decline. And those that do arrive have a brief signature, nothing more personal than that, with the exception of one or two rare folks who still include a Christmas newsletter. Of course, I'm guilty, too! My cards may be pretty and spiritually relevant - they must say "Merry Christmas" and not "Happy Holidays" - but they still just have a quick signature from me and my husband, Bruce.

Now think about this from a child's point of view. Remember the pleasure of going to the mailbox and finding an envelope with YOUR name on it? Knowing that it might contain some special words from the favorite auntie or uncle, or better yet, Grandma or Grandpa? That along with the words might be some simple treasure to remind you of how much they loved you and wanted to spend time with you, even if it was long-distance time?
I remember visiting with Aiden over the summer and seeing how excited he got when the mailman parked his mail truck on the block and began walking house to house to leave those magical envelopes in the mail boxes by the front door. I decided then to try to find time to send Aiden some mail of his own, but after a time or two found myself right back to emailing, texting, and phoning his mommy for the news.

So this year, my first resolution is to find one reason each month to send Aiden his own mail, real mail, snail mail. It doesn't have to be expensive or even bought at the store. I have a collection of those unsolicited cards sent by various charitable organizations in the hopes that I will send back a donation (not likely, except for St. Jude...I like that one!). Perhaps one of those, or a drawing or note made with the many papers and stamps I use as a crafter. The only cost will be the cost of a stamp...and a few minutes of my time...and an occasional sheet of the stickers that Aiden loves to put all over his clothing, hands, and anywhere else they might stick! Maybe a photograph taken during the times we do get to spend together, or one of me and Papa just to let him know we are thinking about him.
I'll still text, call, and email Aiden's mommy for the news and updates...and I hope there is a lot of iPad face time in the coming weeks and months...but for just a few minutes each month, I want Aiden to know that Mimi and Papa are thinking about him in a special way


  1. This is wonderful, Charmaine! And great eye candy! This will come in handy for a lot of parents and grandparents who are struggling for a way to keep in touch in a personal way, with their loved ones! Way to go!
    Hope it catches on...and on...and on!

    1. Thank you, Reda. I love being a grandparent, but it's so hard to be far away. I know there are many other grandparents like me out there, still working full time and living too far away to just have a quick weekend visit. I hope that through blogging I can meet some of them and share our thoughts, dreams, and prayers.
